Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My Blog's Mp3 Player

The good/bad folk post is taking a while, but here's a thing for you to know: my blog has an embedded streaming mp3 player, and it's pretty great. Take advantage of it. There should be a little gray rectangle somewhere on the left side of your computer screen, that's the totally rad embedded streaming mp3 player. See the little "play" arrows next to mp3's? That means you can play them using the embedded streaming mp3 player.

If this isn't working for you, let me know, because there are other streaming players out there, I just happen to find this one the bossest. I'm willing to abandon it if there're mass problems with people not able to use it. Of course, I only have three people reading this thing, but I'd like to provide the most immersive multimedia experience for those three people.


Anonymous said...

I can't see the player in firefox or safari

Unknown said...

the player works on firefox, bryan doesn't know what he's saying. perhaps he just isn't worthy?